Adult numeracy practices: imperative implications for education
Plenary presentation at the 26th ALM conferene in Lund, Sweden In this presentation two videos were shown: Trailer Hidden Figures Interview with Paulo Freire
Plenary presentation at the 26th ALM conferene in Lund, Sweden In this presentation two videos were shown: Trailer Hidden Figures Interview with Paulo Freire
Presentation at the yearly conference of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN)
Conference A wonderful conference with math teachers, math teacher educators en students from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, and Cuba. Four days of workshops, lectures and hands-on activities (for instance MathCityMap). I was honoured to be among the invited “Talleristas”(=workshops) on the connection between mathematics and reality, a spin-off of my doctoral research on image-rich mathematical problems. … Lees verder
2018 09 22 RME6 Using reality in ME -exploring new opportunities sub Numeracy all around you_Cayman Sub Multiplication tables in reality Sub Numeracy in 4 steps PISA Lychen
Presentatie op de certificering van rekendocenten MBO op ROC MiddenNederland. Minor en keuzecursussen van de Hogeschool Utrecht Meer informatie:
Openingspresentatie Een beetje verder kijken: van “leren rekenen” naar “gecijferde burgertjes” Openingspresentate op de Jaarvergadering studiedag NVORWO 2018 (6 April)
Presentatie: Multimedia representtaions in problem solving in mathematics education: An augmented reality example ATEE winter conference, 15 February 2018
Werkgroep Onderzoekspraktijk rekenen po Zie presentatie. Zie bijlage PANAMA-conferentie 25 en 26 janauri 2018, Veldhoven
Start van een mogelijk project met Rekenen in beroepsgericht onderwijs – groen
Openingslezing: PO-VMBO-succes met rekenen en wiskunde SLO – NVORWO – NVvW studiedag