TEMBI5 Puebla – Mexico

Conference A wonderful conference with math teachers, math teacher educators en students from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, and Cuba.  Four days of workshops, lectures and hands-on activities (for instance MathCityMap). I was honoured to be among the invited “Talleristas”(=workshops) on the connection between mathematics and reality, a spin-off of my doctoral research on image-rich mathematical problems. … Lees verder

TEMBI5 Puebla – Mexico

Conference A wonderful conference with math teachers, math teacher educators en students from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, and Cuba.  Four days of workshops, lectures and hands-on activities (for instance MathCityMap). I was honoured to be among the invited “Talleristas”(=workshops) on the connection between mathematics and reality, a spin-off of my doctoral research on image-rich mathematical problems. … Lees verder

Rekenen in mbo: van “leren rekenen” naar “gecijferde professionals”

Studenten in het beroepsonderwijs komen in hun (toekomstige) werk karrenvrachten met  kwantitatieve informatie tegen: loonstrookjes, planningen, werkschema’s, recepten, instructies, formulieren, geldzaken, ,..  Het is te veel om op te noemen, maar ze moeten er wel van alles mee. Daarnaast is ook in het dagelijkse leven naast het werk doordesemd met getallen, tabellen en diagrammen. Ook … Lees verder